It may have been a long time since you've had that job interview and you know that there are a lot of other job seekers out there probably going for the same thing, so it's important that you are equipped to do your very best. Remember you will not be the only one that will be sending in your resume for this job so make sure that you do your best to look like the best candidate. Here are six tips guaranteed to help you ace your interview!
1. Before you even consider sending off that resume it is vital that you take a few minutes to proofread and do any editing that might be needed for you stick it in the mail or email it off to the company that has the job offering. Employers have trained eyes and know what to look for in a resume and the first thing they look for are typos and grammatical errors. That is their first step in weeding out the resumes.
2. While you are waiting in hope for that interview, prepare yourself for it. Make sure to do some good research on the company. Find out as much as you can about them before you even get called in for an interview. This way you can set up at least three questions in your mind that you want to ask the employer. A lot of employers are not impressed if you don't have a single question to ask, this makes them believe you simply are not prepared for the interview.
3. When you do get that interview it is very important that you get as much good sleep as you can the night before you are scheduled to go in for the interview. You need to be able to walk into the interview exuding energy and not sitting there yawning every 5 or 10 minutes! Make sure to eat a good breakfast and if you are a coffee drinker don't forget to have some of that before you get there. Tip though, after eating and drinking coffee, make sure to pop in a breath mint a few minutes before the interview, even if you did brush your teeth.
4. Once you are there and ready for the interview, remember these two basic things, and a lot of people really do forget them and that is have a smile on your face and make sure to keep constant eye contact when being talked to and when talking to them. No matter how skilled or intelligent you are, in today's job market people skills have really become important to most employers. Note that a lot of employers feel that a person who avoids eye contact is dishonest, even if it's just because a person is nervous.
5. Make sure you listen and have those three questions of yours ready for a moments notice. Any time there is an opportunity to ask one of those questions, do so, don't lose the moment and never wait until the end of the interview to start asking them. You need to be proactive in the interview so do so by utilizing the questions you have prepared.
6. The last chance you will have to sell who you are and make that final good impression is to make sure that as soon as you get home after that interview is to either send a thank you letter via snail mail or email if you have their email address. A lot of people have a tendency to think this is not all that important, but it is. It is the very last chance that you have to show you are the right person for the job by expressing your gratitude for their time that they gave up to interview you.
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